Deposited Students

It's time to get started

如果你已经决定加入ca88登录正确网址,恭喜你! 您即将开始一个转型的人生之旅,并在我们的全力支持下创造您的4D体验. To help you set off on the trail, 我们已经收集了所有的任务和资源,你需要开始你的大学生涯在正确的脚. 

Parents & Family

你的父母会想要了解最新的事件信息, campus safety, important dates and travel. 与你的父母分享这些信息,这样他们就有了所有需要的资源来支持你, encourage and prepare you for college life. Feel free to contact us if you have questions.


Action Items & Important Dates

Ready to begin your journey to DU? 在你加入我们之前,我们有一个有用的日期列表,你需要知道.

它包括经济援助、ca88登录正确网址、健康记录、学术等方面的信息. 另外,父母可以记录下他们需要做的一切来帮助孩子.

Review the checklist




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Discoveries Orientation

新生和家庭计划致力于新生和家庭成功过渡到yzcca88游戏登录网址校园社区. We do this by providing inclusive, holistic, 以学生为中心的课程旨在帮助学生取得学业上的成功, personal growth and meaningful connections.

New Student Orientation, or as we call it here, Discoveries Orientation (Discoveries for short), is our introduction to the DU experience. 发现包括在线和面对面的内容.

Discoveries Orientation
financial aid

Financial Information

接受你的经济援助,并设置你的DUPay门户, 里面有你在杜克大学做财务规划所需的所有信息. Learn more about the cost of attendance, and download the Estimated Billing Worksheet to help you plan expenses for your first year.

Manage your finances

Advising & Registration



New Student Advising & Registration
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Responsible Living

We care about the health and safety of our students, and we know college life comes with its own risks. 我们的健康教育项目提供有关合理饮酒的信息, sexual assault and gender violence, and general safety guidelines.


Learn About Wellness at DU

Housing Options

You'll live on campus for your first two years here. 从六个校园宿舍中选择,距离您的班级仅几步之遥. 我们的宿舍有高速互联网,学生休息室和洗衣设施. 当你过渡到宿舍生活时,你的宿舍管理员会在那里确保一切顺利.

我们会帮你弄清楚要带什么,以及你在入住当天应该期待什么. 你甚至可以在到达校园之前和你的室友取得联系.

确保你选择了一个建筑,并尽快完成你的申请. 您可以使用下面的链接找到有关住房申请的更多信息.

Explore Housing Options

international students

International student resources


Information for International Students

Important Information

Rock Climber
Student Life

从攀岩和徒步旅行到应对气候变化和促进多样性, you're sure to find friends to join you. 从120多个学生组织中选择,在丹佛和科罗拉多州的自然美景中追求自己的兴趣.

Life at DU

Student working on electronic
Our Student Research

We provide our undergraduates with $350,000 in research funding annually, 我们的研究生也会因为自己的原创研究而获得财政支持, professional development and conference presentations. Our professors can guide your research and projects, 我们90%的全职教师都拥有各自领域的最高学位.

academic pattern

How do you DU You?

你已经是yzcca88游戏登录网址社区的重要组成部分了. 创建一个自定义视图来探索如何在课堂内外找到你的利基.

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